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Abathor Ant Granular

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Abathor Ant Bait Granules

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List Price: $55.03
Your Price: $54.63
You Save: $0.40 (1 %)
Manufacturer: Ensystex, Inc.
Manufacturer Part No: 2048

Abathor Ant Granular

Abathor Ant Granular kills the following species of ants: Acrobat, Argentine, Bigheaded, Crazy, Field, Little Black, Pavement, Odorous House and Thief Ants.

For use in and around Homes, Residential Areas, Commercial and Other Structures, Non Food/Feed Areas of Commercial Buildings, Warehouses, Hotels, Food Storage Areas, Inedible Product Areas of Meat Packing Plants, Motels, Schools, Supermarkets, and Non-Occupied Patient Areas of Hospitals and Nursing Homes, Golf Courses, Parks, Lawns and Turf.

Active Ingredient: (by weight)

Abamectin B1 .......................0.011%
Other Ingredients: ................99.989%
TOTAL: ...............................100%
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