Cricket Control Products
Crickets belong to the order Orthoptera, most members of which have enlarged hind legs, adapted for jumping. In addition, members of this group possess opaque, leather-like forewings that cover a pair of clear, membranous hindwings. Most crickets are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day, and come out at night, whereas the often confused grasshoppers are active only during the daytime. Members of the cricket family usually have very long antennae and their wings have the front margin folded sharply over the side of the body, giving them a "boxlike" appearance. Female crickets are characterized by having long, spear-shaped ovipositers, used for egg-laying.
Cricket problems can easily be solved with a product from Parsons pest control. Offering all kinds of pesticides, and natural products for crickets. The products on this page will kill crickets quickly!