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Your Price: From $22.13 to $90.24
Manufacturer: Farnam
Manufacturer Part No: 3743
Just One Bite® EX Pellet Place Packs 

  • Effective indoor and outdoor rat and house mouse control
  • Kills house mice, Norway rats and Roof rats
  • This product is effective against anticoagulant-resistant mice and rats
  • Contains 88 x 0.75 oz place packs

Just One Bite EX Bait Blocks, a rodent bait containing the active ingredient Bromethalin, a nerve poison that is extremely toxic to mice and rats. 1) A moisture-resistant bait, Norway Rats, Roof Rats and House Mice will consume a lethal dose in a single feeding, it may take 2 or more days from the time of bait consumption for death to occur. 2) Due to Stop Feed Action, rodents cease feeding after consuming a toxic dose. 3) Effective against anti-coagulant resistant rats and mice.

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