Mite Control Products
Mites are a problem across a wide variety of situations. They attack plants, animals. and even humans! The plant variety includes spider mites (family Tetranychidae), thread-footed mites (family Tarsonemidae), and gall mites (family Eriophyidae). The species that attack animals are members of the Sarcoptic Mange mites (family Sarcoptidae), which can burrow under the skin and will drive animals crazy. Demodex mites (family Demodicidae) are parasites that live in or near the hair follicles of any mammals, including humans. Perhaps the best-known mite, though, is the house dust mite (family Pyroglyphidae). All mites are a problem for you, your garden, and your pets so you'll defintely want to get rid of them once you have them. Parsons pest control has several products to help you kill mites. Solve your mite problem today with one of these great mite control products!