Prescription Treatment brand Advance Carpenter Ant Bait is used by all professional pest control companies. It is the latest advancement it treating and eliminating carpenter ant nests.

Advance Carpenter Ant Bait - 2 lb is shown.
Advance Carpenter Ant Bait - 2 lb
Advance Carpenter Ant Bait - 2 lb

Sprinkle liberally wherever carpenter ants are found or where nests are suspected. The worker ants will carry Advance CA back to the nest and the entire nest will be eliminated. Works great on Fire ants, Pharoah Ants, Argentine ants and other hard to kill ants too !

For Use In And Around: Homes, residential areas, commercial and other structures, non food/feed areas of commercial buildings, warehouses, hotels, food storage areas, inedible product areas of meat packing plants, motels, schools, supermarkets, and non-occupied patient areas of hospitals and nursing homes, golf courses, parks, lawns and turf.

Active Ingredient:
Abamectin B1.............0.011%

Manufactured by Whitmire-MicroGen

Price: $66.95

Buy Advance Carpenter Ant Bait - 2 lb Online | Visit Store Home

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Advance Carpenter Ant Bait is shown
Advance Carpenter Ant Bait - 2 lb

Prescription Treatment brand Advance Carpenter Ant Bait is used by all professional pest control companies. It is the latest advancement it treating and eliminating carpenter ant nests.

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