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2,4-D LV4 (2.5 Gallon)

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2,4-D LV4
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List Price: $79.98
Your Price: $69.30
You Save: $10.68 (13 %)
In stock unlimited
Item Number: 1164
Manufacturer: Winfield solution LLC
Manufacturer Part No: 1164

2,4-D LV4

2,4-D LV4 Ester is a four pound ester formula used in non-crop situations including on ditchbanks, rights-of-way, drainage and for aquatic weed control. 2,4D LV4 also controls wild onion and wild garlic in small grains and pastures.

This product requires an application license for purchase and so has been moved to our PROFESSIONAL-ONLY store. Also due to its haz-mat status it must be shipped seperately which will require an additional shipping fee. Please click here to go to our Professional Pest Control Store and log in to purchase this product.

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