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SFM Extra Herbicide - 4 Pounds (Replaces Oust Extra)

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List Price: $533.32
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Item Number: 1196
Manufacturer: DuPont Crop Protection
Manufacturer Part No: 1196

SFM Extra Herbicide - 4 Pounds (Replaces Oust Extra)

Oust Extra

Oust Extra is broad-spectrum herbicide for control of broadleaf weeds and grasses..

Oust Extra Herbicide controls many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in conifer plantations and non-crop sites.

It May also be used to control certain hardwoods and vines when applied in site preparation treatments.

Oust Extra is a dispersible granule herbicide that is mixed in water and applied as a spray or impregnated on dry, bulk fertilizer.At the time of applied as a spray, it is absorbed by both the roots and foliage of plants, rapidly inhibiting the growth of susceptible weeds.when it is applied on dry fertilizer, Oust Extra is absorbed primarily by the roots For best results, apply before or during the early stages of weed growth before weeds develop an established root system. Do not apply more than 10-2/3 oz. per acre per year.Its Active ingredients are 56.25% Sulfometuron Methyl and 15% Metsulfuron Methyl.It Cannot be sold in: AR, VT, MA, WA, or CA.

Its Active Ingredient: 56.25% Sulfometuron methyl. DuPont

Additional Information : 4 pounds

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